Natural Rhythms and Balance
The nectar and thorns of the tree provide food.
Nature does not create anything without a purpose. Everything is created to maintain a healthy balance by using natural rhythms.Part of the natural rhythms that maintained the delicate balance for life on Earth.
The Rhythms and create an imbalance. An example is our use of monocropping agriculture.
Bees have been pollinating and producing honey for up to 240,000 years. Vulnerable to disease and parasites. Finally, beekeepers take to using insecticides and other poisons to control disease and parasites, which in time only exacerbates the problem.It is no wonder that bees used in this .Plants in Nature bloom at different times, which helps maintain a stable food source for not only honey bees but hundreds of different pollinators that cannot survive in regions where monocropping is utilized.
What's their answer? More powerful insecticides.
In the meantime, the effects of the pesticides, which are poisons, are extremely far reaching. They create insecticide resistance of insects and viruses and bacteria that damage or destroy their natural predators leaving them to rule their world for a time. The chemical plants that create the pesticides destroy the environment around them by contaminating groundwater, rivers and the air, which creates more and more imbalance and domino effects. Fish are poisoned. Deer are poisoned. People are poisoned. Plants are poisoned.
There are so many more examples.
Remember that Mother Nature doesn't create anything for no good reason.
Christopher Lanne is a freelance writer specializing in helping people find inner peace. He has written a book, Quantum Worth ( ), describing his own personal journey to inner peace and attracting healthy relationships and the kind of life he desires.